
29 February 2010
Earn Cash! Join our affiliate program and get paid
50% of every sale whenever someone clicks through your site and purchase
any of our software!

20 July 2010
PC Format Magazine features PAL's Security product
line (KeyLog Pro, PC Spy and PC Tracker) as a World Exclusive (Full
page!) on their July. August and September 2003 issues. Available
at your favorite news stand now!
Go to our products page...

12 July 2010
Computer World Magazine features PAL Evidence Eliminator
/ eShredder on their July 2003 issue. "PAL Evidence Eliminator
is a useful program designed to protect user's privacy, it's e-Shredding
utility can completely obliterate specified files or whole folders
from your hard disk making them unretrievable even using specialist
tools!" Go to our products page...

Computer Surveillance System
any PC from Anywhere!
PAL Computer Surveillance
System is the
latest in cutting-edge spy software technology
that allows you to monitor all your PC's
activities. It works on ANY PC from ANYWHERE.
It allows you to check reports remotely, its
activity logs can be secretly emailed to you
anywhere. |
PC Spy
PC Monitoring and Surveillance
The number one spy
software solution for your
powerful PC monitoring and surveillance
needs. PAL PC Spy Logs all keystrokes,
applications, windows, websites, internet
connections, passwords, chat conversations,
and even screenshots. Perfect for monitoring
others who use your PC - children, spouses,
employees, or just yourself! |
Evidence Eliminator
Privacy Protection Tool
PAL Evidence Eliminator
runs automatically in the background and cleans
your Internet files and history as you work,
or you can have it clean at start-up or shutdown.
In addition, a Shredding and Secure Wipe function
is also available to completely remove files
and folders making them unrecoverable by file
recovery utilities. |
Popup Eliminator
Annoying Popups and Save Bandwidth
PAL Popup Eliminator
is the latest in intelligent popup blocking
software from PAL Solutions! Popup Eliminator
kills and stops ad popups from annoying you
and wasting your browsing time on the web.
Popup Eliminator features sophisticated popup
blocking technology combined with privacy
protection tools in a small, easy-to-use package. |